Wednesday, July 17, 2013

A Few Class Photos from Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Highland, and Rockingham County!

As many of you already know from the previous blog post, Alleghany, Augusta, Bath, Highland, and Rockingham County are all with us this week at the W.E. Skelton 4-H Camp on Smith Mountain Lake! Here are a few pictures of the camp during class time:
 Long-range view of the canoe shed beside Smith Mountain Lake.
 Campers prepare to begin fishing under the guidance of a Smith Mountain Striper Club member.
 A camper shows off one of his catches.
 In "Snack Attack" the campers learned how to make pizza from scratch!
 Campers play a game of "Knockout" in basketball class.
 A view of the archery range from the hill.
 Casual conversation whilst fishing.
 A camper examines his line before casting it out into the lake.
 Patiently awaiting a bite on the line.
Long-range shot of the main building.

Be sure to check out the blog tomorrow for a number of edited pictures from campers in the Computer Science class!