FUN WITH FOODS. I love cooking it is a great practice if you do it when your young so you can get a head start for when your older once again I didn't do it but I am planning to do so in the year of 2010. I cook with my maw-maw and I have learned a lot about cooking I love making things with her she makes it look easy, but when you first start it is kinda hard but now I am great at it just like her.

The pool is a great place to cool off. If you sign up for swimming you can do advanced or beginner. Don't worry if you think you can't do 'cause they will help you. By they I mean the lifeguards. When you get here you will have to do a swim test. The swim test is when you try to swim from one side of the pool to the other without touching the bottom if you touch the bottom you get a red band if you don't touch the bottom you get a green band a green band means you can jump off the diving board, and the red band means you cannot jump off the diving board. So there you have it 4-H's wonderful pool.